The Centenary College faculty and administration believe that regular and systematic class attendance is an important and necessary ingredient of the educational process at Centenary. The College expects students to place a high priority on regular attendance. Faculty members may establish their own attendance policies.

Students at Centenary College are responsible for mastery of material presented in the class session of the courses in which they are registered. Members of the faculty are not expected to provide students who absent themselves from class without emergency reason with material (including examinations) covered in class. Faculty members are expected to inform the Associate Dean of the College when students are absenting themselves from an excessive number of classes.

Because of Veterans Administration regulations, the faculty must report to the Financial Aid Office any veteran who is absent in excess of three times the number of scheduled class sessions per week. The Director of Financial Aid will notify the Veterans Administration of the absences.


Student Athletes

It is the responsibility of the student-athlete to notify the professor prior to any absence from class due to participation in an intercollegiate athletic event, and to recognize that missing class for intercollegiate athletics will limit the opportunity to miss class for other reasons.

Conversely, professors should be considerate of these students' absence.

It is the responsibility of each athletic coach to insure that the student-athlete is not required to miss class for a practice session and that—in consultation with the Athletic Director and the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee—to play a schedule of intercollegiate competitions such that the student athlete is not required to miss a total of more than 3 times the number of scheduled class sessions per week during a semester. Any student who does so will be dropped from the course.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy As To Students The insitution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.