The following rules apply to the six members of the Faculty Personnel Council, the three members of the Economic Policy Committee, and the three elected members of the Academic Policy Council. The election for these positions will be conducted following the election of the Faculty Coordinating Council chair. To be eligible for election, one must be full-time and hold faculty rank. Election shall be for a three-year term. In the event of unfulfilled terms, faculty members shall be elected for partial terms to fill the unfinished terms. After each full or partial term of at least two years, faculty members will be ineligible for reelection until three years have elapsed since the most recent service. No faculty member shall serve more than a total of fifteen years on the two committees, and no faculty member shall be elected to a full or partial term if he or she will not be able to serve that term. (Faculty Handbook, Section Six)

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy As To Students The insitution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.