JANUARY:  Verify that all aid for spring semester disburses correctly; Send grades to state for TOPS Scholarship.

FEBRUARY: Begin sending out award letters to prospective students; Process Pell.

MARCH: Attend Louisiana Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Spring Conference; Bi-annually attend BANNER Conference.

APRIL: Continue to award new students; Perform exit interviews for graduating seniors.

MAY: After grades are available, run SAP; Send out award letters to returning students; Award summer financial aid.

JUNE: Continue to award new and returning students; Run end of year reports for auditors.

JULY: Continue to award new and returning students; Process loans.

AUGUST: Perform Entrance Interviews during Fall Orientation for those who have not completed this requirement; Continue to award new and returning students.

SEPTEMBER: Verify that all aid for fall semester disburses correctly; Process loans for new students; Process Pell; Send grades to state for TOPS Scholarship.

OCTOBER: FISAP Due October 1. Louisiana Association of Financial Aid Administrators Fall Conference;

NOVEMBER: Perform exit interviews for graduating seniors.

DECEMBER: After grades are available, run SAP.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy As To Students The insitution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.