
Our internship program teaches students:

  • to think critically about near-term and long-term goals by exploring professional environments,
  • to respond critically and meaningfully to the important issues associated with determining the expectations, needs, and assumptions of professional audiences, and
  • to produce media deliverables that demonstrate a strategic understanding of written, oral, visual, audio, design, and/or digital communication practices.

Centenary's Communication majors continually land coveted internships with a variety of local creative industries such as publishers, film and recording studios, non-profit organizations, television and radio stations, as well as marketing, advertising and design firms.


On Campus Opportunities 

Centenary students also enjoy the rare privilege of managing and operating their own student media on campus: KSCL radio, Pandora Design studio, Conglomerate news, and Centenary Film Society. Communication majors play crucial roles as media producers for these organizations while also developing desirable leadership and management skills. The media students produce as interns and the experience students gain as student media managers enhances their senior portfolios making them highly competitive graduates. Check out our Grads & Outcomes page to see how our students leverage internships and student media involvement into fulfilling professional lives.


For More Information

The Communication Program shares news of opportunities about internships, employment, graduate programs, and media arts competitions via its Facebook Group. Contact current Communication majors or alumni, Professor Hawkins, Professor Laffey, or Dr. Glaros if you'd like to join the group.

Contact Info

Michelle Glaros

R.Z. Biedenharn Chair in Communication

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy As To Students The insitution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.