Program Overview

At Centenary, philosophy majors can combine their passions to chart their own path. Recent graduates have double majors in business, biology, and English, and gone on to medical school, law school, to work for a major accounting firm, to travel the world as a photographer and English teacher, and gone into business for themselves. With the Forum, Centenary offers students the unique opportunity to participate personally in the discussion with internationally known experts and community leaders. 

Program Requirements

Major Requirements for a B.A. in Philosophy

At least eight courses totaling at least 30 hours including Phil 202: Ethics, Phil 301: Plato and Aristotle, and Phil 302: the Enlightenment.

Students planning on attending graduate school in philosophy should visit the department’s website.


Minor Requirements

At least five courses totaling at least 18 hours including Phil 301: Plato and Aristotle and Phil 302: the Enlightenment.


Departmental Honors in Philosophy

  1. Admission to Departmental Honors program.
  2. Graduation from Centenary with major in Philosophy.
  3. A grade point average of at least 3.25 in both major and overall course work.
  4. Completion of an independently researched Senior Honors thesis, presentation of the Senior Honors thesis at the Student Research Forum or other suitable venue, and an oral defense of thesis.



Contact Info

Chris Ciocchetti

Chair of the Philosophy Department; Associate Professor of Philosophy

201 Smith Building

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