Psychology Department Faculty


amy hammondAmy Hammond
Centenary Square 213 • 318.841.7267

Amy Hammond is an Associate Professor of Psychology and has been at Centenary College of Louisiana since 2006. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of California, Irvine in Psychology with a minor in vocal performance. She has an M.A. in Human Factors Psychology from Rice University and a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Chicago.

Dr. Hammond's classes cover a variety of areas of human development and cognition. Her research explores the cognitive and emotional development of college-aged young people; current projects explore academic dishonesty and immersive education (like the immersive, cultural travel experiences offered during May term).

Teaching Interests

Human Growth & Development, Human Sexuality, TREK 116, Service-Learning, Research Methods, Psychology of Design, Senior Seminar, Language Development, Centenary in Paris


Jessica AlexanderJessica Alexander
Centenary Square 221B • 318.841.7268

Jessica Alexander is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Centenary College of Louisiana. She received her B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Classics from Hendrix College in 2003 and her Ph.D. in Psychology with a concentration in Cognition and Development from Emory University in 2009. 

Dr. Alexander's research focuses on the perception of spoken language and how vocal characteristics interact with the linguistic properties of speech. She is also interested in auditory imagery, perceptual learning of accents and voices, and attitudes toward speech markers for age, race, and social groups. 

Teaching Interests

Cognition, Biopsychology, Sensation & Perception, Behavioral Statistics, Brain and Language, Learning & Memory


Peter ZunickPeter Zunick
Centenary Square 213 • 318.841.7269

Peter Zunick is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Centenary College of Louisiana who started in fall of 2017. He completed his B.A. in Psychology at Hendrix College in 2008 and his Ph.D. in Social Psychology at Ohio State University in summer of 2017.

Dr. Zunick’s research explores questions regarding people’s self-concepts, identities, and attitudes. His current work focuses on how to improve people’s beliefs about their abilities following a success, what factors bias people’s mental images of their own faces, and how people’s attitudes help them understand and express their identities.


Social Psychology, Prejudice & Stereotyping, Personality, Introduction to Psychology, Self & Identity, Research Methods, Statistics


Associated Faculty


Adam Blancher

Dr. Blancher is a 2002 graduate of Centenary College. He went on to (among other things) earn his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Louisiana Tech. He works full-time at LSU Health Sciences Center and teaches Abnormal Psychology and Introduction to Psychological Tests.


Melissa Fuller-Killgore

Professor Fuller-Killgore has a Master's degree in Psychology with a concentration in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Memphis. She teaches Introduction to Psychology and I/O Psychology.

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