Chart of Accounts Structure
The chart of accounts is the accounting distribution used on all transactions processed in Banner Finance. It consists of seven elements that make up the term used “FOAPAL”. The primary elements are the fund, organization, account and program codes. These fields are mandatory and are used for classification, budgeting, recording and reporting. The remaining two, activity and location, are used to provide specific performance-related detail for transactions.

1. Fund
2. Organization
3. Account
4. Program
5. Activity
6. Location

Chart Code
One-character field. Centenary’s chart code is “C”

F - Fund

11000 – Current Operations
2xxxx – Current Restricted Funds
4xxxx – Loan Funds
5xxxx – Quasi-Endowed Funds
6xxxx – Endowment Funds
7xxxx – Annuity Funds
8xxxx – Agency Funds
91xxx – Unexpended Plant Funds
92xxx – Renewal & Replacement Plant Funds
96xxx – Investment in Plant Funds
O - Organization

Four or five-digit field representing areas of budget responsibility

Example: Org 7010 represents the Business Office

A - Account

Five-digit field identifying object; examples are:

Account 51101 – Undergraduate tuition income
Account 72823 – Instructional supplies expense
See Commonly Used Accounts

P - Program

Two-digit field identifying function; Centenary uses the following:

10 – Instruction
40 – Academic Support
50 – Student Services
60 – Institutional Support
70 – Operations & Maintenance of Physical Plant
80 – Scholarships & Fellowships
90 – Auxiliary Enterprises

A - Activity

Six-digit field used to further define an Account expenditure; only used by Bookstore & Facilities

L - Location

NOT USED – Field identifying physical locations

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