2018-2019 Members

   Dr. Kinsey Cotton Kelly

   Dr. Andia Augustin-Billy, Chair

   Dr. Jeff Hendricks

Senior Director of  Marketing & Communication (ex-officio)
   Ms. Kate Pedrotty

Director of the Meadows Museum
   Mr. Sean FitzGibbons

Development Staff
  Ms. Meredith Armuth

Provost (ex-officio)
   Dr. Jenifer K. Ward

  Cason Hancock

Shelby Pickett

Purposes and Responsibilities

The committee reports directly to the Academic Policy Council and coordinates speakers for the College. The committee will allocate funds to bring speakers to campus and help foster a lively intellectual and artistic culture. The Convocations Committee will give preference to speakers addressing the year's theme. Per the Faculty Handbook, the themes will progress in the following order: Live a Meaningful Life (2015-2016), Expand Our Circle (2016-2017), and Create a Sustainable World (2017-2018). 

The campus reserves the first Thursday of each month (excluding December, January, and May) during the academic year from 11:10 a.m. to 12:10 pm as the Convocation Hour. During the Convocation Hour, no other events may be scheduled on campus by faculty, staff, or students, with the exception of official Board of Trustees meetings and academic classes that begin at noon. All campus offices are urged to close for the Convocation Hour with the exception of those providing essential or emergency services. In addition, the committee will evaluate programs to determine if the speakers are meeting campus needs.


The committee will be composed of three faculty members recommended by the Faculty Coordinating Council and appointed by the president, the Provost or representative (ex-officio and without vote), and two students recommended by the Student Government Association and appointed by the president. One faculty member will serve as committee chairperson. 

Related Information

To submit a convocation request, use the
Convocations Committee Schedule and Funding Request.


Assessment of Convocations

Organizers of Convocations are required to assess their Convocation and send that information to the Chair of the Convocation Committee. Convocations Evaluation Forms should be completed by audience members and collected at the end of each sponsored event. The organizer is then responsible for submitting that data to the Chair of the Convocations Committee using the Convocations Assessment Excel file within the month following their event. Hard copies of the evaluation forms are not necessary. Organizers who fail to assess their event and/or send their data to the Convocations Committee may be denied funding in the future.


Last updated 20 September 2018


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