2018-2019 Members

Dr. Lisa Nicoletti

Faculty-Natural Sciences
Dr. Jennifer Stokes

Faculty-Social Sciences
Dr. Kyle Ristig, Chair

Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing
Mr. Calhoun Allen

Assistant Provost for Student Support
Dr. Edward Ragan

Financial Aid Representative
Ms. Lynette Viskozki

Admission Representative
Ms. Lauren Carlton Hawkins

Registrar Representative
Ms. Deborah Scarlato

Dean of Students
Mr. Mark Miller



Purposes and Responsibilities

This committee will make recommendations and provide feedback on plans for increasing student enrollment and retaining students. These plans would involve all constituencies of the Centenary community; (03/01). The Committee will also formulate and recommend to the faculty minimum standards for the admission of students; read and make individual admission decisions on the cases of applicants who do not meet the minimum standards (4/2004); advise the Admissions and Financial Aid offices regarding financial aid and scholarships; review and develop policies for awarding scholarships, grants-in-aid and other financial packages; and conduct periodic (3 year) reviews of the academic support services. (5/2007)


The committee is composed of three faculty members, one from each division recommended by the Faculty Coordinating Council and appointed by the president, one student recommended by the Student Government Association and appointed by the president, the Vice President for Enrollment Services, the

Director of Undergraduate Advising, and a representative from Financial Aid, Admissions, Registrar, Student Development, and the Academic Resource Center for Students. (05/2010) The faculty members will serve three-year staggered terms. (02/2010) The committee chair will be elected from the faculty members of the committee.


Last updated 27 August 2018

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