All completed documents should be emailed to the IRB Chair. Please carefully proofread your documents, especially your consent form and debriefing statement.

Researchers should anticipate a 2-week review period for their research protocol and submit their paperwork accordingly.

IRB Research Protocol Form (Word Document)

  • This form should be used by researchers conducting research with human subjects intended for public distribution via either publication or presentation.

IRB Research Renewal Form (Word Document)

  • This form should be used by researchers whose research was previously approved by the IRB, but whose project is continuing past the original approval expiration date.

IRB Classroom Research Form (Word Document)

  • Faculty conducting in-class research projects that collect data from human participants (not enrolled in the class) whose data will be presented in-class only are required to complete the free on-line ethics training created by the National Institutes of Health, Office of Extramural Research. When complete, email a PDF of your certificate to the IRB Chair. The training takes approximately three hours to complete and can be completed in multiple sittings, the program will remember what you have completed.
  • This optional form should be used by faculty conducting such projects. If there is a chance that a classroom project will later turn into a project that will be presented in a public forum (e.g., publication or non-class presentation, such as the Student Research Forum), please complete the IRB Research Protocol Form (above). If you are uncertain if your project needs IRB review, please contact the IRB Chair.

Adverse Events Form

If you have concerns or questions about a research study or your treatment as a participant in a study, please complete this form. This information will be shared with the IRB Chair and the Provost’s Office who may contact the researcher, but your personal information will be kept confidential.

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