2018-2019 Members
Interim Director of Athletics and Recreation, ex-officio
Mr. Marcus Manning
Compliance Coordinator, ex-officio
Mr. David Orr
NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative
Dr. David Hoaas
Faculty (male)
Dr. James Reid
Faculty (female)
Dr. Jennifer Stokes
Student (male)
Mr. Max Wamsley
Student (female)
Ms. Emilee Byrd
Purposes and Responsibilities
This committee assesses the various aspects of intercollegiate athletics with the goal of establishing and maintaining standards of scholarship and sportsmanship consistent with the values and traditions of Centenary College and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). It also serves as an advisory body to the administration and faculty on all matters concerning intercollegiate athletic programs. It provides input to the President and standing committees on decisions that directly affect the student-athlete, i.e., entrance requirement; serves as a liaison between intercollegiate athletics and the academic areas of the college; serves in an advisory capacity to the Director of Athletics, who shall advise the committee of significant NCAA policies, rules, and regulations and provide interpretations of their applicability to the athletic program at Centenary; seeks the advice of the committee on any major proposed charges in athletic policy and programs; and serves in an advisory capacity in the employment of athletic personnel.
The committee is composed of two faculty members (one male, one female), the NCAA faculty athletic representative, two students (one male and one female), the Director of Athletics (ex officio and without vote), and the Compliance Coordinator (ex officio and without vote). Faculty members are recommended by the Faculty Coordinating Council for staggered terms of three years and appointed by the President. Student members are recommended by the SGA and appointed by the President. One of the faculty members shall serve as the chair of the committee. Care should be taken that, with the exception of the Director of Athletics, faculty members of the committee are not involved with the intercollegiate athletic program in any way.
Last updated 20 September 2018