In its commitment to the ideals of continuing education, Centenary College has for many years offered, as a service to the community, the special audit option whereby local residents who do not desire college credit may audit courses at a greatly reduced fee. We must, however, make the following stipulations concerning registration in this program:

  • Admission to classes is contingent upon available spaces in classes as determined by the Registrar.
  • In order to determine availability of spaces, enrollment for special audit will begin on the second day of late registration.
  • Only lecture courses may be audited. Courses that involve physical participation or direct interaction with instructors may not be audited. The classes include, but are not limited to: lifetime sports activities, science laboratories, or applied courses in the fine arts areas of art, dance, music, and theatre.
  • Any surcharges assessed for regular students such as usage fees are in addition to the special audit fee.
  • Refunds of special audit fees are based on the same schedule as the one for regular tuition and fees.
  • The special audit fee does not include the issuance of a student ID card, nor does it include the privileges afforded Centenary students such as admittance to College functions or facilities.
  • Library privleges may be obtained by payment of a nominal fee to the Magale Library. Auditors must present enrollment receipts at the Magale circulation desk.

Parking decals may be purchased through the Department of Public Safety in Centenary Square.

For information on tuition and fees, please contact the Business Office at 318-869-5125.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy As To Students The insitution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.