First floor features:
- Art Gallery which hosts exhibits, displays, book signings and receptions.
- Circulation Desk where the public access staff are available to guide you through Magale’s collection and offer assistance with borrowing materials and obtaining interlibrary loans.
- Information Commons/Reference Desk where the reference librarian is available for research assistance.
- Computers and computer labs (open labs are available to all Centenary patrons).
- Tables for group and individual study.
- Printers, scanners and photocopier
Second-floor features:
Stacks Collection of more than 200,000 catalogued monographs published before 2005.
- Bound periodicals including over 226 journal titles.
- Student Resource Center
- Two individual study rooms
- Multimedia screening room
- Individual study carrels and tables for group study
- Faculty offices
Basement features:
- Classrooms
- Law Library (for Political Science students only)
- Archives & Special Collections
- Print Resources
- Over 200,000 volumes
- 226 journal subscriptions
- Rare books and manuscripts
Electronic Resources
24-hour online access to:
- 319 databases (296 full-text),
- Over 512,726 full-text serial resources,
- 363,000 microform units,
- 25,000 video and audio titles,
- Over 208,000 e-books,
- Over 52 million open source e-journals titles,
- Enterprise online catalog