Additions or changes to institutional policies are recommended to the Board of Trustees only by a member of the Board of Trustees, a Trustee committee duly constituted according to the Board by-laws, or by the President, in consultation with the Planning and Policy Advisory Council. Other members of the College community may recommend institutional policy additions or changes for presidential consideration through the President’s Cabinet or Planning and Policy Advisory Council. 

Institutional policies are set by the board of trustees and relate to the following areas:

Academic Program Structure


Centenary College of Louisiana is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate and master’s degrees.

Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 to learn about the accreditation status of Centenary College.


Annual and Long-range Budgets

Annual and Long-range Budgets

Audit and Regulatory Compliance

Audit and Regulatory Compliance

Development Division Policy Manual

Naming Opportunities Policy

Named Buildings, Wings or Major Renovations

  • Minimum gift of fifty-one percent of the project cost.
  • During a campaign, comprehensive or capital, a list of naming opportunities may be developed specific to that campaign.
  • On an ongoing basis, there are various rooms, green spaces and facilities that may be named. A specific list of established naming opportunities may be developed for presentation to donors.
  • The Vice President for Advancement is responsible for reviewing all names proposed for campus buildings (existing and planned), any portion thereof, outdoor facilities, schools and programs.
  • The Provost and the Vice President for Finance and Administration should also be consulted regarding naming buildings and academic programs.
  • The completed review shall be forwarded to the President – the person delegated by the Board of Trustees to have authority for final approval.
  • This policy assumes 50% paid and 100% pledged prior to any new construction.
  • This policy assumes that the project cost of new construction includes an endowment equivalent to 25% of the construction costs.



Indebtedness, Investments and Institutional Financial Health

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees is responsible in accord with the Charter and By-Laws of Centenary College of Louisiana (the "College") for assuring that the College meet its chartered mandate to "organize such departments, courses of instruction, and schools of learning within the College as may be necessary to effectuate its educational purposes"; being required therefore to exercise appropriate fiduciary judgment and to set general policies for the College aimed at securing that end; and

WHEREAS preservation of the financial and academic viability of the College requires that the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees be exercised in a cooperative manner with the Faculty, while recognizing that the Board of Trustees ultimately is responsible to exercise its fiduciary authority to act as necessary at its own initiative so as to assure preservation of the College's financial and academic viability;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the following resolution regarding financial exigency, to be added as Article V of the By-Laws of the College.

Financial Exigency

1. General Statement of Policy
Should a condition of financial exigency or the threat of it ever exist at the College, the Board of Trustees and its standing committees, the President of the College ("President"), the administrative officers, and the appropriate committees of the Faculty shall participate in a manner consistent with their duties and purviews as defined in the Charter and By-Laws of the College, the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees and the Faculty Handbook.
2. The Determination of Financial Exigency
1. Exigency. Financial Exigency is an imminent financial crisis that threatens the survival of the College as a whole and that cannot be alleviated by less drastic means than reductions in professional staff including the termination of appointments. ("Termination" refers to the release of personnel through means other than non-renewal of contract: e.g., the early ending of an unexpired contract in the case of untenured personnel or the release from contract of tenured faculty members).
2. Raising the Question. The President shall ask the faculty Economic Policy Committee (or its successor) and other sources within the College that the President deems appropriate to advise formally whether they believe a condition of Financial Exigency exists or is imminent, and that all feasible alternatives to termination of appointments have been pursued.
3. Recommendation. Recommendation to the Board of Trustees whether to declare Financial Exigency is the sole prerogative of the President. Having received advice as contemplated above, the President shall make a recommendation to the Board whether to declare financial exigency and shall report the full range of agreement or its absence provided by the Economic Policy Committee and other sources consulted.
4. Declaration. The Board of Trustees, alone, has the authority to declare a state of financial exigency.
5. Overcoming Financial Exigency
1. Finances. Development of a conceptual plan for overcoming financial exigency shall be undertaken by the Business Affairs Committee of the Board in conjunction with the Vice President for Finance and Administration of the College and at the request of the President. The Economic Policy Committee shall be consulted in developing this said plan. Final recommendation of said plan to the Board shall be the responsibility of the President. If a plan is approved by the Board of Trustees, it will then serve as the financial context for subsequent decisions.
2. Curricular Matters. In adjusting programs to meet financial exigency, faculty committee(s) shall develop with the Provost of the College proposals regarding program adjustments (including discontinuance of same) in accordance with the provisions of the Faculty Handbook, taking into account the limitations imposed by the financial conceptual plan, and shall advise the President regarding same. The President will make the final decision for or against discontinuance. The discontinuance of a department or program shall be accomplished in accordance with the Faculty Handbook.
3. Personnel Matters. In making personnel decisions regarding faculty in order to meet the constraints imposed by financial exigency, a proposal related to the termination of unexpired contracts of tenured and untenured faculty shall be developed by the Provost and Faculty committee(s) utilizing guidelines contained in the Faculty Handbook.
The Provost shall make a recommendation to the President to terminate specific contract(s) in accordance with said proposal. The President shall have the authority to terminate contract(s). The procedures described in the Faculty Handbook for implementation shall be followed.
Decisions related to the release of specific administrators will be made by the President in consultation with senior administrative officers and, where appropriate, with relevant college committees.
Approved by Board of Trustees May 9, 2009



Mission, Vision and Long-range Plan

Student Learning Outcomes

Substantive Change Policy

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy As To Students The insitution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.