Acting Dean of the Hurley School of Music; Assistant Professor of Music B.A., Luther College, 1999. M.M., Northwestern University, 2002. D.M.A., Boston University, 2014.
318.869.5175 Anderson Choral Building, 114

David Williams

Visit Development
Director of Development Services B.A., Centenary College of Louisiana, 1995.
318.869.5162 Hamilton Hall

Joyce Wilson

UMC Administrative Assistant
318.869.5729 Hamilton Hall, 214
Professor of Sociology Tracie Whitehurst Woods Regents Endowed Professorship B.A., Dickinson College, 1988. M.A., North Carolina State University, 1991. Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1999.
318.869.5054 Magale Library, 20A

Christy Wrenn

Visit Magale Library
Director of Library Services B.A., Louisiana Tech University, 1975. M.L.S., Louisiana State University, 1979.
318.869.5057 Magale Library, 106

Timothy Wright

Lecturer in Music
Lecturer in Art Turner Art Center

Robert Youngblood

Lecturer - Art & Visual Culture

Theresa Zale Bridges

Visit the Hurley School of Music
Lecturer in Music B.M., Northwestern University, 1985. M.M., Eastman School of Music, 1988.
318.869.5235 Hurley School of Music

Peter Zunick

Assistant Professor of Psychology B.A., Hendrix College; M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., Ohio State University Centenary Square
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