To support and sustain the vibrant intellectual life of Centenary College, convocations should bring the entire campus community together around a particular idea. Convocation proposals should be aimed at involving the larger campus community. Proposals which focus on a single class or department are unlikely to be funded. Working across academic disciplines and multiple campus constituencies (including co-curricular programming) is encouraged, and preference will be given to proposals that reflect the year's challenge theme (for 2018-2019, "Live A Meaningful Life"). To support and sustain the vibrant intellectual life of Centenary College, convocations should bring the entire campus community together around a particular idea. Convocation proposals should be aimed at involving the larger campus community. Proposals which focus on a single class or department are unlikely to be funded. Working across academic disciplines and multiple campus constituencies (including co-curricular programming) is encouraged, and preference will be given to proposals that reflect the year's challenge theme (for 2017-2018, "Sustainability").
Timing of Proposals
For first year programs, organizers should endeavor to schedule during the formal Convocation Hour (first Thursday of the month, 11:10-12:00), although reasonable exceptions to this schedule will be accommodated. For evening convocations, organizers are encouraged to consult the College calendar to avoid scheduling conflicts with major events. Convocations should be proposed a minimum of six months in advance. This lead time is intended to give other campus constituencies an opportunity to incorporate convocation speakers and events into ongoing curricular planning (rather than extra-credit afterthoughts). This means, for example, convocations for September should be proposed no later than March 1 of the preceding academic year.
Because this deadline may cause difficulty in securing all details, organizers may propose an event with, for example, a speaker left TBD so organizers can secure a date and a tentative, not-to-be-exceeded budget to begin organizing their event. Details should be finalized no later than two months prior to the convocation. The Convocations Committee will then review the event before budgets are finalized.
Use this form to propose Convocation speakers with whom you are familiar and are willing to host.
Proposals submitted after April 25 may not be considered until after September 1. Last-minute requests to host speakers or events will depend on available remaining funds and will be addressed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Office of the Provost.Submission Form
Be sure to click the Submit button at the bottom of the page when you have finished entering your information. Use the tab key or the mouse to move from field to field.